The ROOF CONSULTING company exists since 2005, however it has been operating on the construction market for almost 20 years. Thanks to the experience of our specialists, we can boast of professional consultations in the field of design solutions for waterproofing, as well as reliability in locating leaks in layers of waterproofing.
Our engineering services include:
CONSTRUCTION EXPERT (certified by the Polish Council of Engineers (Polska Izba Inżynierów Budownictwa) in construction and engineering specialty covering performance in the field of waterproofing, terraces, roof coverings and external cladding of building structures;
ENGINEERS having practical experience in the implementation of insulation works, selection of appropriate material and design solutions;
TECHNICY having professional knowledge and experience in the field of installation, measurement and interpretation of measurement results using non-destructive leak detection systems and other measurement methods.

For nearly three years we have been a member of an international network of companies (www.ild-world.com) with a similar profile of activity, which guarantees us constant access to the latest issues in the field and continuous improvement of work qualifications.
Since the beginning of 2009, Roof Consulting has been a member of the Polish Association of Flat Roof Contractors and Facades (Stowarzyszenia Wykonawców Dachów Płaskich i Fasad), this is the result of many years of fruitful cooperation with this organization.
We have gained constant access to the latest information on design and implementation solutions used in the creation of building partitions and waterproofing execution.
These companies are also proof of the confirmed highest class services that Roof Consulting provides to the Polish market.
Since 1994, Roof Consulting has also been a member of the international organization NRCA, which gathers specialists related to the processes of creating and maintaining roofs from North America, throughout the word.
a company specializing in consulting in the design, execution and maintenance of aluminum facades and glass roofs, as well as seals using DOW Corning technology.
The company "Roof Consulting" was founded in 2005, based on many years of experience of the roofing company "Klatt i Dach" Sp. z o. o. created in 1990 by Ryszard Klatt
Our staff gained knowledge during numerous foreign trainings. In addition, the first projects were carried out under the supervision of representatives of the following companies:
Wyroby bitumiczne:
- Bitbau DORR – Austria
- ICOPAL – Sweden
- INDEX – Italy
- RUBEROID – Great-Bretain
- SOPREMA – France
- VEDAG – Germany
Folie PCV
- SIKA TROCAL – Switzerland - Germany
- SARNAFIL – Switzerland
Dachy z blachy
- CORUS – Germany
- RHEINZINK - Germany
- SILESIA - Poland
Backed up by dense knowledge in the field of waterproofing, façades and sheet metal roofing as well as taking advantage of over twenty years of experience of our specialists, Roof Consulting offers services in the field of:
- construction certified expert (certified by the Polish Council of Engineers) in the specialty of construction and engineering (performance of waterproofing, roofing and external cladding of buildings))
- insulation systems design
- expert opinions and technical opinions regarding the technical condition of roofing materials
- comprehensive and thorough design of flat roofs and terraces as well as other thermally insulated and water-resistant partitions
- thermal and structural calculations
- measuring the tightness of waterproofing insulation using the latest methods and technologies in the business.
Many years of experience combined with the use of the latest technological solutions in the execution and design of insulation of building partitions guarantees the highest quality of our services.